Camp Creation
Joy JEM CDC is currently working to establish a summer camp targeted at metro-Detroit's inner city youth and beyond. The camp is a legacy project of the late Reverend Eddie Edwards who operated the camp for 40 years. Swimming, hiking and other recreational activities will be offered, as well as opportunities for participants to improve upon their social and coping skills. The camp will enrich, enhance and support these youth in an environment rich in awareness of campers’ spiritual needs.
Our goal is to open in the summer of 2017. Eventually, Camp Creation will be open year round and offer educational retreats and sports tournaments; with the goal of eventually becoming a self-sustaining operation. Partnerships will be created with select metro Detroit schools to offer an environment and facilities for week end educational enrichment retreats for teachers students and administrators. These retreats will be offered for weekend and weekdays.
Click on the pics below to see our renovation plans for Camp Creation.
Every kid deserves a camp experience. As low income Detroit families continue to struggle and government budget cuts curtail more and more summer youth programs, Camp Creation may be one of the last means for Detroit kids to experience a traditional summer vacation.
The new Camp Creation will offer improved infrastructure, expanded capacity and year-round utility. It will be an even better place for kids to retreat from the often-harsh realities of their daily lives and develop new, more effective ways of coping with the world.
Named to honor the glory of God's creation, the operation will be grounded in biblical principles designed to promote leadership development, ethical behavior, conflict resolution, academic achievement, sportsmanship and discipline. It will enable kids to explore nature and engage in such fun activities as swimming, coning and more.
Click below to get an idea of why we need your support and funding for the restoration of the camp.